Monday, September 28, 2009


STILL LIFE: 24 X 30 1/2 inches

This large, classical Still Life painting has been in my collection for approximately 25 years. I purchased it from an Antiques Dealer in the Montreal area during a period in my life when I could ill afford to buy such quality art. I felt there was little choice, however, and I had to own it. It is time to make room, since my walls cannot accomodate all of the paintings that I wish to display and enjoy. It is time for change, so this work is FOR SALE.
I cannot provide details concerning the artist, SCENDY. My educated guess is that the work dates from circa 1920 or earlier.
This is the work of a MASTER.
Beginning with composition, elements of the painting are interdependant. The components fit together to form a complex, harmonious whole.
The colors are rich and vibrant. Elegant reds are lifted by subdued, receding greens.
Realism has been built from painstaking attention to detail and an elevated classical sensibility.
Witness the execution of the lace.
This painting might be entitled 'THE ARTS'.
Everyone will recognize the elements in this work; the books, a violin, the illustration in a book. Taken together (a symphony), they portray our greatest artistic endeavours: MUSIC, LITERATURE and PAINTING.
This work is for sale: $2,500

Monday, September 7, 2009


We strut across this planet for a short while...
and we leave a mark.
We offer our impressions because we believe that we have something to share.
I walk and I paint in our present time.
A few colors cast upon canvas shall endure beyond my counted days.
My gift is what I see and feel...
as I strut a few short steps upon this earth.
(Thank you for a borrowed word, Mr. Shakespeare.)
STEPHEN CARON, September, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009


20 X 16
Oil on stretched canvas.
The work is for sale: $1,490

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Dear readers;

I've been told that, in person, I appear somewhat menacing, rather inapproachable...
I assure you that I am built of only the softest, most pliable materials.
I've walked proud and confident at times, and I've sat cross-legged in wonder on other occasions. My bundle of flesh and bones has rested upon our planet for 57 years..
I am resilient, but I wonder if others enjoy my work, if they have questions or suggestions.
I paint to please myself; but of more importance, I paint to please others.
It's important to me that I understand what you think!
Please leave comments or questions concerning any of the paintings featured. (Under each post, there is a small space marked '0 comments'. You need only click on this, then enter your question or comment.)
I can be contacted by email at
THANK YOU for your interest!
And now I'm off to sign the SALLY'S POND painting, to frame it; and then to begin another artistic voyage!
Your humble Painter,